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Dice Rolling Command

Virtually roll one or more dice.


The /diceroll command allows you to virtually roll a dice with a number of sides and a number of dice.

You can roll up to 10 dice of each type (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, d100).

Additionally, you can add a modifier to the roll using the + or - characters followed by a number.


For example:

  • If you want to roll 2 D6s, you can type /diceroll d6:2
  • If you want to roll 1 D6 and 1 D20, you can type /diceroll d6:1 d20:1
  • If you want to roll 2 D4s, 1 D8, with a modifier of +2, you can type /diceroll d4:2 d8:1 modifier:+2

Dice Roll Command Usage