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Queue Management

Commands for managing the music queue.


The /clearqueue command clears all of the songs in the queue.


The /jumpto <song> command jumps to a specific song in the queue by typing in the number of the song you want to jump to.


You can force Goliath to leave the voice channel by running the /leave command.


This will also remove all of the songs in the queue.


The /move <song> <new position> command moves a song in the queue by typing in the number of the song you want to move and the new position you want to move it to.

Move Command Usage


The /queue command displays the current queue of songs in the queue.

Queue Command Usage


The /remove <song> command removes a song from the queue by typing in the number of the song you want to remove.

Remove Command Usage


You can shuffle all of the songs in the queue by running the /shuffle command.


The /swap <song 1> <song 2> command swaps two songs in the queue by typing in the numbers of the songs you want to swap.